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Gokujou Black Soil

Gokujou Black Soil

Special Soil for Plant Tank

Natural black soil for aquarium plant tank which was carefully collected and sintered by experienced artisan.


  • Natural black soil for plant aquariums. It was carefully mined and sintered by experienced artisans.
  • Every grain of soil was sintered using a special technique to make it difficult to disintegrate.
  • The porous granular structure provides an ideal space for root stretching and helps plants grow faster.
  • The soil will slowly release rich nutrients into the water to reduce environment oscillation.
  • The soil can adjust the pH and KH to an ideal level for plants and other creatures.
  • Fish and shrimp friendly formulas can help you build a hybrid aquarium easily.
  • Its outstanding filter ability can remove driftwood stains from the water and bring you crystal clear water for a long time.
  • Manufacture: Maruki Japan Soil Factory Fukuoka Main Distributor:SL-AQUA

    • 1. No need to rinse or wash before using.

    • 2. Spraying some water on the soil before pouring water can reduce dusting.

    • 3. Pour the water into the tank slowly to avoid disturbing the substrate.

    • 4. Remove any suspended solids from the surface.

    • 5. Remove dust from tank wall.

    • Specification: 8L.

    • Grain Size:
      Super Powder:1.0mm〜2.0mm